Hello to the five of you who clicked on this. While knee-deep in the YAML swamp (a daily ritual for us Kubernetes enthusiasts), I’ve spotted these pesky & and * symbols bobbing up and down in numerous FluxCD repos. Did I, the ever-curious, investigate immediately? Nope. I made a mental “todo” note, shoved it in the drawer of procrastination, and just unearthed it today.

What are these critters?

In YAML’s cryptic language, an anchor (&) is like a bookmark, and a reference (*) is you going back to said bookmark because you forgot where you were.

For the visual learners (and the rest of us pretending to be):

The Old Way:

  name: really-cool-app

And repeat that name everywhere.

The New (to me) Way:

  name: &appName really-cool-app
  releaseName: *appName

Ta-da! That &appName is our sneaky bookmark, and *appName is us coming back for a refresher.

Why does this even matter?

  1. Efficiency: It’s like copy-pasting, but fancier.
  2. Consistency: Reduce the chances of a rogue typo messing up your YAML (not that I’ve ever done that, obviously).

But heed this: your anchor has to pop up before its reference, and after tweaking, give it a once-over (or thrice-over, depending on your coffee intake).

In wrapping up this riveting tale of YAML wizardry, remember: no matter how tall the tech stack, there’s always a corner we haven’t peeked around. Here’s to lurking symbols, silent chuckles, and the never-ending tech scavenger hunt.

For a deeper dive into YAML anchors and aliases, refer to the official YAML 1.2.2 specification.

Further reading

For a deeper dive into YAML anchors and aliases, refer to the official YAML 1.2.2 specification.